
總裁李和順醫學博士以其過人的智慧將中國幾千年來被視為皇帝御用養生珍品的人參,研製出近百種,男女老幼各個年齡層皆可使用的人參系列產品。從全面調理身體的炳翰人參粉、參樂膠囊到人參化妝品、人參休閒食品等,目的在將被視為傳統珍貴、價格不斐的人參,發展成為人人得以享用,高貴不貴的養生佳品。 用以傳播「健康身體、健康心靈、健康家庭、健康財富、健康社會」的五大健康理念。

健康是人類最寶貴的財富,也是面對壓力迎接挑戰的基礎。走過貧病與負債的悲慘歲月,讓我深刻體會到「健康即是財富」的可貴,更了解一個人如果沒有健康,愛情、事業、家庭、財富終將是一場空。 今天我有機會從一介貧病的平凡女子,躍身為炳翰機構總經理,經營全球市場的領導者,完全受惠於李總裁獨門技術所研製的炳翰人參粉,以及他提供的無私、無門檻、無限寬廣的創業機會。


炳翰機構  總經理
法翰企業股份有限公司  總經理
Words from General Manager

A person would encounter good and bad fortune during his or her growth; I am not the exception either. Before entering Bing Hang, I had suffered enough challenges and frustrations. My life was full of surprise and adventure – from my struggling with indigenous asthma to hardships in the course of my growth. I had run a good business before but I failed finally because of uncollectible debts and even went to prison and faced marriage problems due to insolvency. For many times, I had run away from debtors and beset by both poverty and sickness. Every challenge is a tough test. Nevertheless, I believed I would never yield to fate and this faith supported me through thick and thin. Fortunately, I met Dr. Li He-shun, the president and founder of Bing Han International Group, and then I began to experience a dramatic change and discover my new life and career.


As a man of profound wisdom, President Li has launched the development of ginseng which has been deemed as an imperial elixir in Chinese royal recipes and rolled out nearly a hundred kinds of ginseng products that are now available for common people at all ages. Bing Han develops these products, covering from health care Bing Han Ginseng Powder for, Seng Ler Capsules to ginseng cosmetics, ginseng leisure food, etc., to make precious, expensive ginseng affordable for everyone and promote our five health beliefs: Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, Health Family, Healthy Wealth, and Healthy Society.


Health is the most valuable fortune for human beings. With robust health, we are ready to take challenges. After passing those days of despair and misery, I finally realize the importance of health and understand that money would be nothing if we don’t have health, love, career, and family.


Today I turn from an ordinary woman into the general manager of Bing Han, a leader managing global markets. This amazing change may be attributed to Bing Han Ginseng Powder, exclusively developed by President Li, and his unselfish dedication offering no-barrier and infinite entrepreneurial opportunities.


Over the past 18 years, Bing Han has marketed its products in dozens of countries throughout the world, with which I, as well as numerous members, regain health and energy and enjoy a happy life. To me and other people experiencing poverty, sickness and despair, it is virtually like a marvelous miracle.


So far Bing Han has established affiliate companies in Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia, Europe, and the U.S. What Bing Han is engaged is more than health care business, it is also involved in managing opportunities. We are commissioned to be a “sower” planting every “health seed” in our global village, allowing every person to be able to “enjoy a health life and create a happy career”.


Wherever you are, whoever you are, or how old you are, come to join us to catch up health and fortune with Bing Han!

Chen Lee-yu

General Manager, Bing Han International Group
General Manager, Fa Han Enterprise Co., Ltd
