炳翰機構總裁李和順醫學博士,出生於台灣西南海岸一個地處偏遠、名為「雙春」的小漁村裡。自小家貧,生活困苦,父親患重疾,腿殘無力謀生;母親雖能理家,然身體虛弱,不堪勞碌。加以弟妹多人,嗷嗷待哺,總裁只得以年幼之軀,扛起持家重擔;成長過程飽受艱辛挫折,苦澀盡嚐。 雖然出身貧苦,生活條件卑微,但總裁卻從不怨天尤人,除善盡家庭照顧之責任外,更因雙親患疾,體會其中辛苦,從而立志習醫,懸壺濟世。 行醫多年,診病無數,總裁深為世人屢受身體不健康及經濟匱乏之苦而心有不捨,幾番深思,毅然結束診所業務,以更寬廣慈愛的醫者之心,成立了炳翰製藥廠及法翰公司,前者專司研發生產優質人參產品,佐以後者的多層次傳銷方式網路系統,誓以助人尋得健康及經濟滿足為職志。炳翰機構的宏圖大業,於此萌芽。

   President Li He-shun, the founder of Bing Han International Group, came from a small fishing village named “Shuang Chun” at the southwestern coast of Taiwan. He was born into a poor family; his father was a disabled man and his mother, capable of making a living though, was too feeble to earn much by working. For this reason, President Li had to seek a way to make money in order to provide food for his many young brothers and sisters early in his childhood. 
   Despite growing in a poor family, President Li never resentfully blamed everything. He not only took care of the family but also was determined to be a doctor in the future, because he witnessed his parent’s painful suffering from illness.

   After practicing medicine for years, President Li felt that there’s still inadequacy in the medical system for patients with economical problems. Thus, he ceased his medical practice and, with an inspiration of humanity, founded Bing Han Pharmaceutical Factory and Fa Han Enterprise – the former is specialized in production of premium ginseng products and the latter is engaged in operation through a multilevel marketing system – aiming to help people restore their health and wealth. That is what Bing Han International Group was started on.

三個人開始的說明會, 創造了數十萬人的事業網路
總裁常說:「炳翰機構現有的國際版圖,其實是由一場三個人的說明會開始的。而這三個人,就是我自己、總經理陳力榆女士及炳翰製藥廠的賴正義廠長。」總裁每每提及這段奠基時期的往事時,多以談笑風生的幽默口氣和伙伴分享著,語氣親切自然,彷彿不以為苦。只是,總裁堅定的眼神中所流露出那股不畏艱辛的創業毅力及勇氣,執著無懼,屢屢令在旁聚神聆聽的伙伴們震撼不已。 1991年2月10日,台北縣新店巿中正路394號的21坪狹小空間,就是炳翰事業的第一場說明會地點,即使沒有其他人員的蒞臨參與,總裁仍獨挑大樑,完成主持、公司簡介、產品介紹及制度說明,這股「凡事由自我先要求起」的精神,感動了其他二位一同立下決心,共創前程。

From a three-person OPP to a business network comprising hundreds of thousands distributors

“Bing Han, in fact, was originated from a three-person OPP,” said President Li. “These three persons were General Manager Chen, Bing Han Pharmaceutical Factory Director Lai, and me.” Speaking of the past, President Li always cheerfully shares his story with others in a humorous way, as if he never experienced that embarrassing situation. In contrast, his persistent and brave entrepreneurship often inspires his fellow workers.


On February 10, 1991, the first Bing Han OPP was held in a small room at Hsintien. Even there was no participant except the said three, President Li still completed every session, including company introduction, product presentation, and system description. The other two participants were moved by his sturdy faith and courageous leadership and decided to follow him.

「凡辛勤耕耘者,必能含笑豐收」。在總裁和總經理的努力下,事業伙伴及組織網路逐漸擴增,原有租用的會場己不敷使用。於是,總裁開始購置土地,目的,只為了可以建設真正屬於炳翰事業的環境,提供給事業伙伴們一份「永續經營」的安全感。於是,在這份理念下,由台南縣仁德鄉上崙村的公司原址開始,陸續購置了台南縣官田工業區的炳翰製藥廠用地、台北縣土城巿中央路的分公司用地、台南縣麻豆鎮的總部大樓、全省多個會場等,都是總裁為了提供伙伴們事業經營的長久保障而購置的。 總裁如此的擔當及用心,不僅於當時卓越出眾,即使是多年後的今日,仍是令人難以望其項背。

Responsibility of building up a sustainable operation environment –


Those who cultivated with their tears will finally cheer with harvest! Thanks to the efforts made by the president and general manager, the number of Bing Han’s members and the organization’s scale were increased and the old space was not big enough for use. Accordingly, President Li began to purchase new premise to assure his business members with determination of sustainable operation. With this ambition, the Company started from Sang-Lun village, Jente, Tainan and purchased a piece of land at Kwan-tyen Industrial Zone (Tainan County) for Bing Han Pharmaceutical Factory, a land at Tucheng (Taipei County) for its branch office, a land at Matou for its headquarters building, and several premise for seminar session throughout the island.


The president’s assumption of risks and considerate arrangement were thought to be outstanding then; even now, these visionary achievements are quite impressive and leave other competitors far behind.

Political Involvement: from local Councilor to congress Legislator

   In 1998, President Li returned his hometown Tainan County as a candidate in the councilors’ election, which initiated his political career. President Li didn’t participate in the election for reputation; instead, he simply tried to bring about a better life for the public by the political initiative. His unselfish contributions soon received vast support and elected with a record-high popular vote and further elected as the Deputy Speaker and Speaker of Tainan County Council. During his tenure as the Speaker, President Li always kept low profile even though the county’s performance in many aspects was rated No.1, under his leadership. However, his unwavering dedication and integrity had drawn wide attention. In 2002, the Kuomintang (KMT) invited him to be a legislator at-large of the 5th legislative Yuan. Thus, he widened his service scope then and was re-elected as the legislator of the 6th legislative Yuan, continuing his devotion to speak for the people.

Devotion to benevolence –


   To express appreciation for great support from many persons and attribute his success to the society, President Li founded a charitable foundation under his mother’s name (Li Huang Yu-Lan) in Tainan, out of gratitude for people’s help in the course of his career.



From Taiwan to international communities


Through many years of development, Bing Han has achieved a remarkable attainment in Taiwan and many members have joined the business and reaped a rich harvest economically while enjoying a health living. In 1995, Bing Han extended its geographical reach to Malaysia which is also the first cross-border market for the Group.


Later, the general manager led some senior staff to launch North America and establish a branch office in Vancouver, Canada. Conventionally, it was generally believed that ginseng is exclusively suitable for Oriental. Surprisingly, the availability of Bing Han Ginseng Powder broke the barrier between the western and eastern culture and has become a popular health-care food in the market. North America is the original home of direct marketing. Bing Han’s desirable incentive and bonus system soon attracted lots of participants to be engaged in this business.


Following the establishment of international branch offices one after another, Bing Han’s develops its business from Taiwan to Asia and all over the world. As of the end of 2006, affiliates to the Group include Bing Han Pharmaceutical Factory, Fa Han, Tsai Han, and Bing Han Entertainment in Taiwan and other international institutes located in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macao, Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Canada (Vancouver), U.S.A (L.A., New York, and Chicago). In addition, Bing Han’s ginseng products have also become a trend in European markets such as Russia and Belgium; another international business opportunity seems to be ready to go.

炳翰製藥廠符合行政院衛生署中醫藥委員會頒布的「優良藥品製造規範」,是政府核准的中藥GMP廠;內部管理通過ISO 9001:2000 品質管理系統認證,不論軟硬體設備及資源皆準符合國際級標準。明星產品「炳翰人參粉」不僅於2005年11月跨海榮獲中華人民共和國的「進口保健食品」認證,更於2006年2月再行通過行政院衛生署審查認證為「健康食品」。這份殊榮,業界翹楚!



Top-class quality assurance and diversified products for life


   With increasingly raised awareness of health and consumption among people, governments in many countries have developed applicable laws and regulations governing related acts to eliminate inferior products that may cause hazards and ensure that consumers may receive safe and reliable quality food.

    Bing Han Pharmaceutical Factory, complying with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) established by the Department of Health (DOH), Taiwan, is a government-licensed GMP manufacturer for Chinese medicine. It obtains the ISO 9001:2000 certificate for quality management system and meets international standards either in hardware/software facilities or resources. The star product “Bing Han Ginseng Powder” was awarded the “Imported Health Care Food” by the PRC government in November 2005 and acquired the certificate of “Health Food” from the DOH of Taiwan. The exceptional reputation is highly recognized by the industry.
    Our excellent performance can be attributed to President Li’s distinct manufacturing technology. Besides, it is more critical that we insist on using six-year-old, premium ginseng as our raw material. Each ginseng in our planting area in Chang Bai Shan in Northeastern China is raised and cared by our dedicated cultivators and grows to be the most important resource for Bing Han Pharmaceutical Factory.

    Backed up by sufficient and rich ginseng supplies, Bing Han Pharmaceutical Factory, apart from “Bing Han Ginseng Powder”, has continued to develop nearly a hundred kinds of products in recent years such as healthcare series of ginseng food, ginseng cosmetics, and ginseng medicine, which are expected to be available in the second half of 2007. Our flagship display center situated at Jia-li, Tainan demonstrates diversified Bing Han ginseng products and will address various customer needs.
